Best rates guaranteed!*
*If you book from our site! Do not hesitate to contact us for more details.
Espelette Hotel – Euzkadi Hotel
Currently our restaurant is closed on Sunday evening, Monday and Tuesday
Pottok fairs on Saturday 25 January and Sunday 26 January
Our menus in the News tab
Remember to book
Ongi Etorri! Since 1873, the Euzkadi hotel restaurant has belonged to the same family. From a renowned inn thanks to the large markets held every Wednesday in Espelette, the hotel restaurant has been transformed with the different generations to today have 27 renovated rooms, a heated swimming pool, a terrace in the garden, a large dining room, a bar, a beautiful cellar, a private parking...
A true Basque Country institution, respectful of values and the territory, do not hesitate to come and discover our family hotel in Espelette!